
June 2007

There’s no completely getting away from the mass reach of TV just yet.
至今, 我們還是逃避不了透過電視媒體接觸到大部分的群眾.

A recent piece of research from the U.S. showed that TV is stillthe medium through which most people come across new products.
Even amongst the internet population, 34% hear about new products mainly from TV. There is a difference however when youlook a little closer at the age breakdown. The numbers are higher for those over 35 years old –is that any surprise?
最近美國有個研究報告顯示, 電視媒體仍然是目前多數人藉以接收新產品資訊的媒介. 甚至在使用網路的人口中, 仍有34%的人主要從電視聽到新的產品訊息. 然而, 當你進一步觀察其年齡區分, 35歲以上的數字更高一些-驚訝嗎?

So this month, we dig a little more at the young TV viewer –light, medium and heavy viewers –what are they watching?
所以在這個月的刊物裡, 我們對於年輕的電視族群做了更深入的分析–輕度, 中度及重度收視的觀眾–他們分別都看哪些頻道?

Also aimed at the young consumer group, in here we showcase how Pert integrated an internet campaign with a popular teens program.
針對年輕消費族群, 我們在showcase單元中告訴您, 飛柔是如何將網路活動與受歡迎的青少年節目做結合.
