
July 2007

This issue is almost an online special.

To support consumer power online or not to? The vote was “to support”and here we share with you an online campaign from AB yoghurtthat relied on consumers spreading the word.

Integrated, holistic, 360 –you know the buzzwords. How do you think an “integrated”campaign can really be delivered? We give you some of our thoughts on how we include the web.
整合性的、全面性的、360度的–這些流行字眼您都知道。您覺得一個‘整合性’的活動可以如何的被執行及傳遞出去呢? 提供您一些我們的活動是如何囊括入網路的想法。

Online spending may not seem like much right now within the whole media pie, but as consumers migrate to the web and spend more time there, advertisers will follow sooner or later. Online spending is the only media seeing any real growth and in 2007 is estimated to be around +30%.
