
A Welcome to Our New 2006 Format

For those who noticed, okay, it’s been a while. Our last issue was in Oct 2005 and we spent some time thinking about how we could be a quick and informative read because let’s face it, you’re all busy executives.

In this issue, we take a look at the directions terrestrial TV in Taiwan is taking in trying to increase their stake in advertising budgets. Is pricing the key? We will also see how research (overseas) is trying to improve their survey and measurement of consumer mediabehaviourin an increasingly technology aided and fragmented world. And in the meantime, how do we assess theinternet let alone mobile interaction? Most people would say there is not enough third party data but funnily enough, the reverse is true: there are many pieces of data, but from unfamiliar sources i.e. not from the same research houses that give us single-source data, traditional media measurement and consumer surveys.I’m sure we all use the internet and as you read this, it is getting deeper as a medium. It is time we made a start with all the information that is already available or find ways to build it, because the digital world is not slowing down.
