
March 2007

Sometimes, we come across interesting or fun campaigns from our other offices that we think are worth sharing and Masterfoods dog food is such a one this month. You have dog people and you have cat people and while I’m not either really, I think pet lovers anywhere in the world are a lot alike –they love their pets and want to take them everywhere with them. After all , you wouldn’t leave your baby at home alone. See how this campaigns produces a caféto tap into the “dog-adorer”insight.We also have a comment on how digital media and our ever-present mobile phone fits into marketing’s ‘push’and ‘pull’strategies.And finally, we cover new media in town –interactive outdoor. Seen anything like this before?

我們有時候會從其他地區的辦公室聽到一些有趣且值得跟大家分享的媒體執行策略,Masterfoods狗食就是這樣一個我們想在本月跟大家分享的案例。對於有養狗跟有養貓的人(老實說,我兩者都不是),我想全世界喜歡寵物的人有一點很相似的就是-他們都很愛他們的寵物,而且想要到哪裡都帶著他們。畢竟,你也不會把你的小孩單獨留在家裡吧!接下讓我們來看看這個策略是怎麼樣創造一個café’館來直搗這些愛狗人士的心。另外,本期中也有一篇是在討論要怎麼樣將“Push”& “Pull”行銷策略使用在數位媒體和之前曾經提過的行動電話上。最後,我們還囊括了一個都會區的新媒體-互動媒體,你沒看過類似的吧?
