
November 2007

Summer was peak month for us and so we are able to bring you 2 showcases this month of recent work.

Coke constantly challenges itself to bring entertainment and funto consumers. In the present age of multi-taskersand scarcity of attention, what do you do with a long commercial? The qualitiesof Coke’s Happiness Factory TVC make it something different and you’llsee in the next few pages how we launched the campaign to make the film a “must-see”.
可口可樂不斷地為了要為消費者帶來娛樂和趣味而挑戰自己。在現今這個多重任務和缺乏注意力的時代,你會怎麼看待一個長秒數的廣告呢? 可口可樂的神奇工廠電視廣告以不同的方式呈現,在接下來的幾頁裡,你將會看到我們是如何推展這個企劃,讓可口可樂的短秒數影片成為‘一定要看’的短片.

For Pantene Clinicare, a teaser campaign helped build WOM and a successful launch.

Almost no one goes without their mobile phone these days. And we find they do open thatspammail. No one wants to miss a call from a friend and few can resist a good offer. Actually, it’s not technicallyspamif it’s permission based so for the girls, think again about how many shops you’re on the mailing list for.
現在幾乎沒有人可以缺少手機,而我們發現他們確實會看垃圾郵件。沒有人想要漏接朋友的來電,而很少人可以抗拒好的方案。事實上若這是事先得到允許的,也不全然是垃圾郵件。所以女士們, 再次想想你已經在多少商店的郵寄名單上了。
